FC Logo

Welcome to the family.

An online experience to help you discover & pursue God’s design for your life.

Watch LiveOn-Demand
Learn the Bible
Build Your Family
Love Your Neighbors

We have a place for you.

A place to learn. belong. heal. grow.

God’s design is best. Let’s figure it out together.

Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. God has revealed His design for every area of our lives. A church family can help you discover and pursue God’s design from wherever you are.

Service Time


Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00 am

Online Resources

Digital resources to help you, your family, and friends engage with our Sunday messages.

Use the proper technology for streaming
the worship service.

You don’t have to have the latest, greatest technology to host church at home. However, some attention to detail and basic requirements will go a long way for a smooth experience.


Streaming Platform

We are currently streaming services to the following platforms:

Internet Speed

Don’t wait until the start of the service to make sure it works.



Is it fast enough? Check speeds here.

Video Audio

Treat this like you would any sports event and consider the size of your gathering.

Play on any TV enabled with Airplay or Chromecast, or with a set-top device, using your preferred streaming platform.

Worship confidently. Make sure you can make it loud enough without hurting your ears or bugging your neighbors.