Volunteer Application Process
Encouraging word about volunteering and applying
Volunteer Application
Thank you in advance for completing our volunteer application. Please fill this out carefully and include a brief testimony of when you began your personal relationship with Christ, including your baptism. We will follow up with you to explain what the next steps are in this process.
Leadership & Statement of Faith
Thank you for your interest in serving at Family Church. We value the commitment of time and effort you are making to serve our church. All who are willing to serve in leadership roles and positions in the church are asked to rise to the leadership qualifications that is crucial in these roles.
Volunteer Equipping
Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock buffalo salami brisket tongue jowl, chicken sirloin pastrami cupim. Rump shankle landjaeger tri-tip kielbasa turducken salami hamburger pig pork pork loin. Beef chuck meatball porchetta t-bone brisket sirloin ribeye biltong tongue ball tip. Jowl picanha t-bone boudin.